Situations bloquées
Trouver des pistes créatives dans des situations complexes,
Amorcer un changement dans des situations bloquées-stagnantes,
Retrouver de la sérénité dans des contextes stressants,
Aborder plus sereinement le quotidien,
Pouvoir travailler sur une problématique sans forcément avoir à l’évoquer (en tous les cas dans un premier temps) tout en bénéficiant de l’apport des autres participants
Drawing on the collective power of the group, each member delves into their own personal and professional scenarios without the obligation to disclose or specify them. All participants engage simultaneously in this shared environment, focusing on their respective challenges. The process involves utilizing three distinct sets of cards—emotions, world, and characters—to aid in exploration. Additionally, participants are encouraged to use paper and pencil for recording any insights or discoveries made during the session.
Topics covered
Revisiter une situation bloquée, revisiter une question/situation bloquée, figée, qui n’avance plus-pas, qui a besoin de clarification, d’ouverture, de plus de sérénité.
Prévoir 3 heures
Nombre de participants
de 2 Ã 12 participants
Who is this workshop for:
Everyone who wish to unblock a situation, have a new look at it, broaden their vision and awareness of the problem in which they find themselves.
Anyone who does not wish to name the issue on which he or she needs to explore, to shed light on.